Hi I'm Mithilesh

AI/ML developer and Automation Analyst

My reserach area and interest evolves around AI, especially around computer vision and NLP. My favorite algorithms are Objects detection/segmentation algorithms (YOLOs, SSD, R-CNNs), Generative Algorithms and Transformers πŸ’‘

My Skill

Programing Language Skills

Breath of Computer



C & C++


Php & MySQL






Extended Skills

Air-masks of Computer





Data Structure


Data Science


AI {ML - DL}



July 2017 - Current

Machine Learning Engineer

SAP Labs India

I joined SAP as a full-time software Engineer, since then i have worked on multiple projects. Object Detection & OCR based UI elements recognition, Test Detection and Extraction from images, predicting Customer Engagement Score, Software bugs auto resolution and categarization usign USE, Transformers, BERT.

Jan 2017 - Jun 2017

Intern - Software Developer

Mahindra Comviva

Worked heavily on Optimization of cell tower performance and reachability using the historically footprint of the towers. Used Clustering k-means and Outlier detection algorithms mainly for analysing the raw data

Jun 2015 - Jul 2015

HP - Summer Training

HP Enterprise

The goal of this training was, help everyone to become a full-stack developer, each individual were assigned with a real life based project, my project was to build a lite spotify version. I built the complete application using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX and AngularJs

2013 - 2017

B.Tech - Computer Science

VIT University Vellore

I gave the entrance to get in the college, i got in with a good rank. The first big step of my life {realized recently}. I joined this college with the hope to become an B.Tech computer science Engineer, and after four years Yeeeee πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’». i learned to train computers with data { In case If-Else do not work }, which can take decisions for me.

2010 - 2012

Senior Secondary School

HN Inter College

Among Top 5 percentile.

2006 - 2010

Secondary School

HNK High School

Among Top 7 percentile


Coursera - Machine Learning

BY Andrew Ng - Stanford University

This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, data-mining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: Supervised learning (support vector machines, kernels, neural networks), Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning), Best practices (bias/variance theory; innovation process) in machine learning and AI.

Coursera - Deep Learning Specialization

BY Andrew Ng - Stanford University

Specialization of five courses. I learned the foundations of Deep Learning, music generation, and natural language processing. I have master not only the theory, but also see how it is applied in industry. I practice all these ideas in Python and in TensorFlow. It helped me in finding creative ways to apply it to my work. Consequently, This helped me master Deep Learning, understand how to apply it, and build a career in AI.

Coursera - Machine Learning Specialization

By Fox & Carlos Guestrin - University of Washington

Foundations: A Case Study Approach Machine Learning: Regression Machine Learning: ClassificationMachine Learning: Clustering & Retrieval

Coursera - Neural Networks for Machine Learning

BY Geoffrey Hinton

This course helped me grsap the deep understaning ans aspects of cutting-edge AI. I learned stuffs that helped me build AI systems that just weren't possible a few years ago.In this course, I learned the foundations of deep learning, Understand the major technology trends driving Deep Learning - Be able to build, train and apply fully connected deep neural networks.

Coursera - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization

BY Google Cloud Team

In this Course, I found the answers to these questions in this course. What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve? What are the five phases of converting a candidate use case to be driven by machine learning, and why is it important that the phases not be skipped? Why are neural networks so popular now? How can you set up a supervised learning problem and find a good, generalizable solution using gradient descent and a thoughtful way of creating datasets?

Coursera - A Crash Course in Causality - Inferring Causal Effects from Observational Data

BY Jason A. Roy - University of Pennsylvania

"Correlation does not equal causation.” What, then, does equal causation? This course aims to answer that question. During a period of 5 weeks, I learned how causal effects are defined, what assumptions about your data and models are necessary, and how to implement and interpret some popular statistical methods.


Visual UI Software Automation

This tool helps build software automates, validates regression of the systems and enhanced the systems accessibility. Unlike the existing and traditional automations tools, it looks the the applications's screenshots and not the HTML based DOM structure. Simple philosphy, this tool mimics a humans. it uses deep learning based object detection and text detection algorithms to identify different UI elements.

Deep Learning Object Detection YOLOv2 OCR ML Python JavaScript

Computer Vision - black box Approach

This tool helps Build Intelligent Robotic Process automation. The solution use a variety of the methods internally to tackle different challenges of automation/bot building. The complexity is hidden from the users and that's why black box. Solution mainly consists of object detection, OCR, Template Matching and matching localization algorithms

SSD Object Detection MobileNetv2 TensorFlowOCRTemplate Matching MLPython C++ TFJS JavaScript

AADGen: Data Generation tool

AADGen: Automatic Annotated Data Generation for trainingg deep learning models. This tool helps in generating automatically labbeled images data (MS coco format) for traing object detection algorithms. This tool is specially developed for annotating web applications as screenshots/images and UI elemnets and texts as objects. FOr the UI elements as the Objects, labels are it classes/types or predefined label and for the texts, the texts itself become the labels.

DOM Manipulation Python Selenium JavaScript

Improving Tesseract

Text extraction using Tesseract was meant to process traditional documents with white background. However the accuracy drops to half i we use for extracting text from images having light text on dark background. The accuracy was using pre processing of the images using selective binary inversion.

ML LSTM Tesseract C++ C# .net

Automatic Flow Generation

When a customer raises incident/tickets, it generally contains multiple actionable steps which needs to be analysed manually. This process is very repetitive and time consuming. The proposed solution solve this problem by generating those actional steps automatically based on it knowledge understaing of the past incident. The solution uses many NLP/NLU techniques in order to learn the knowledge

ML NLU Python Clustering JavaScript Transformer BERT

Prediction of Student academics performance

The system will analyze the student academics history and family background by using machine learning algorithms and it will learn from the past performance of the student and then it will predict the future performance of the students, current family status matters a lot

MLClassification algorithmsData Mining Orange Python



Auto-regressive decoding vs non -autoregressive decoding

what are these Auto-regressive and regressive models in machine learningRead More..

Posted at 28 May, 2020

Regression Model Using TensorFlow Estimators and Dense Neural Network

Tensorflow Estimators β€”it provides a high-level abstraction over lower-level Tensorflow core operations Read More..

Posted at 30 Sept, 2018

Distance on a sphere

he Haversine Formula The Earth is round but big, so we can consider it flat for short distances. But, even Read More..

Posted at Aug 16, 2018

Work == Life

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